Michela Kaminski, P.A.

Why did you decide to go into medicine?
I love to constantly learn. I am grateful to be able to care for patients. Healthcare is a very rewarding field.
My favorite place to visit:
Hilton Head, South Carolina
To me, treating people well means:
Empathizing with the patient's complaint and concerns, and doing everything you can to comfort and care for them.
Favorite pasttimes:
Tennis, taking cycling classes and cooking
Favorite guilty pleasure:
Member of BMG since:
Bachelor of Science, University at Buffalo; Master of Science, Physician Assistant Studies, Damen College
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), NYS Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment,NYS Mandatory Infection Control Training, Basic Life Support (BLS)
Professional Affiliations:
Member, Western New York Physician Assistant Association (WHYPAA)
If you think this provider would be a good fit, call 716.630.1102 to schedule an appointment.
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